AAS cutting Cycle Synergy
by John Connor
For years bodybuilders have experimented with different compounds while in their cutting phases to find the supreme AAS stack to assist in cutting body fat while preserving lean body mass. practically any steroid may be utilized to cut with as long as nutrition, training and healing are correctly in location but as contest time methods many bodybuilders want a hard, defined and dry look. This is a time when different low or non aromatizing anabolic steroids are employed.
The trick Weapon
Certain anabolic steroids work synergistically with one another and years ago a specific stack started being utilized commonly by bodybuilders around the world. At first it was called “The trick Weapon”. This stack is a powerful combination of anabolic steroids that can elicit a hard, dry grainy look. It preserves muscle mass mass even during extreme dieting. In fact, numerous individuals report acquiring lean body mass while dieting on this powerful mixed drink of anabolic steroids.
Cut Mix
The trick weapon is no longer a secret. when this combination of steroids started acquiring popularity the producers of steroid products promptly started creating these steroids together in a blend. many individuals who administer these blends are impressed at just exactly how effective they are. Today The trick weapon is much more typically referred to as cut Mix.
Cut mix is a blend of 3 anabolic hormones. Each ml normally includes the following active ingredients: Drostanolone Propionate – 50 mg/ml, Testosterone Propionate – 50 mg/ml, Trenbolone Acetate – 50 mg/ml. for that reason 1ml cut mix daily equals 350mg Masteron, 350mg Testosterone Propionate and 350mg Trenbolone Acetate weekly.
One of the difficulties with utilizing a pre determined blend is you are locked into certain ratios. The above mix is a 1 to 1 to 1 ratio which may be problematic if you want to keep one compound lower or higher than another. For example, numerous men like to run Testosterone at higher or lower doses in connection to their Trenbolone dose. This is especially true towards the end of prep when the Testosterone dose may be dropped extremely low or entirely while the Trenbolone dose is kept higher. for that reason I personally like having all compounds in a separate vial so I can create whatever ratio I want depending upon the period of the cycle I’m in.
Masteron (drostanolone propionate) is a moderately anabolic steroid that promotes boosts in hardness, lean body mass and stamina which has a positive effect on the prospective for fat loss. Masteron does not possess any estrogenic activity and for that reason water retention is extremely unlikely. In fact, Masteron is commonly referred to as anti-estrogenic. This DHT derivative actually competes with other aromatizable substrates for binding to the aromatase enzyme. Masteron is not only a moderate anabolic but also a moderate anti-estrogen which is extremely helpful when stacking with low doses of other aromatizing steroids such as Testosterone.
Testosterone Propionate is a powerful mass building drug that is able to quickly add gains in muscle mass size and strength. It’s the only aromatizing steroid in this stack but at sensible doses aromatization is moderate. I’m persuaded there’s practically no other conventional injectable stack that’s as potent and flexible as Testosterone and Camiseta Racing Club de Avellaneda Trenbolone. It’s a easy stack with huge prospective to harden muscle, promote fat loss and add raw strength. The addition of Masteron adds even much more to this synergy as it acts as an anti-estrogen to manage aromatization of Testosterone. If Testosterone doses are higher an Aromatase Inhibitor may be needed.
Trenbolone Acetate is at least 3 times much more anabolic and androgenic than Testosterone or Nandrolone. Trenbolone binds to androgen receptors (ARs) with roughly three times the affinity of testosterone and has been shown to augment skeletal muscle mass mass and bone growth and decrease adiposity! Tren is one potent weapon in the bodybuilder’s arsenal. Trenbolone is a non-estrogenic steroid so water retention is extremely unlikely. Stacking with free steroids such as Testosterone maximizes Trenbolones prospective and also reduces side impacts such as loss of libido.
In addition to the cut mix a number of other medications are normally employed to even more enhance the cutting cycle. The first compound is Winstrol tabs or an injectable preperation.
Stanozolol has an anabolic score of 320 and an androgenic score of 30 making it an outstanding steroid for promoting muscle mass growth with zero water retention. Stanozolol cannot aromatize into estrogen so estrogenic side impacts like water retention are not a factor. Winstrol is outstanding for dieting bodybuilders and is finest employed near the end of a cutting cycle to keep the individual anabolic but provide a dry shredded appearance. Winstrol considerably lowers SHBG even at extremely low doses in a matter of a few days. This is considerable because that corresponds to much more totally free testosterone. Winstrol stacked with testosterone implies much more testosterone stays totally free or active. Some individuals report enhanced sex drive when stacking Winstrol with testosterone. essentially Winstrol makes your testosterone work better and it can raise libido.
Oxandrolone is originated from DHT. It has a extremely strong separation of anabolic (about 525) and androgenic (24) effect, and no progestational or estrogenic activity. Anavar is noted for being rather moderate as far as oral steroids are concerned, which is excellent for the promotion of stamina and high quality muscle mass tissue gains nevertheless lipids ought to be monitored as it will lower HDL significantly. Mg for mg it screens as much as five-six times the anabolic activity of testosterone in assays, with method less androgenicity. This drug is a favorite of dieting bodybuilders and competitive athletes in speed/anaerobic performance sports, where its tendency for LBM acquire (without fat or water retention) fits well with the preferred goals.
Cytomel or T3 is utilized to boost metabolic rate. This boost implies much more nutrient uptake including enhanced protein synthesis. because oxidation rate is increased, energy demands are also increased. When you are in a calorie deficit this will imply even much more fat loss when utilizing T3. However, T3 is catabolic so it should be utilized with anabolic steroids to protect lean body mass while dieting. begin with 25mcg’s T3 daily and after one week boost the T3 to 50mcg’s daily. After one week you may boost the T3 dose when again to 75mcg’s daily if needed.
Human growth Hormone (HGH) has clearly been shown to boost lean body mass and to enhance fat loss while improving healing and even assisting with injury repair, especially cartilage. It is my viewpoint that maximal fat burning GH doses begin somewhere around 4-6iu daily in men. For maximal fat burning and adding maximal lean body mass that variety appears to be around 8-12iu GH daily. I suggest at least 5 months of GH administration. GH is a Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Ecuador long term commitment and there is a lower benefit to utilizing GH for shorter durations. This can be rather expensive so numerous individuals will avoid days during the week. For example, the 5 on 2 off protocol is typically utilized to get the preferred impacts but at the exact same time decrease cost. essentially the individual administers a daily dose Mon-Fri and then dose not administer a dose on the weekends. another prominent protocol is only utilizing GH every other day. The EOD technique has some scientific support so it would be my first suggestion for GH individuals who want to decrease cost.
Many individuals report a synergy when utilizing GH and Steroids together. It’s typically reported that the fat burning impacts and gains in LBM are much much more profound with GH and Testosterone. for that reason in purchase to maximize the benefits of GH I would not utilize it alone and extremely suggest stacking GH with AAS. Testosterone has been proven to decrease body fat and boost LBM in a dose dependent relationship; for that reason I suggest that experienced male individuals administer at least 5iu GH daily for a duration of 5 months with anabolic steroids. growth Hormone and the trick weapon stack will illicit boosts in lean body mass and a considerable reduction in body fat if nutrition, training and healing are correctly in place.
Stimulants are normally employed to even more boost energy expenditure. Ephedrine and Caffeine are typically utilized in this regard. Beta 2 agonists like Clenbuterol may also be utilized during a cut. all of these may act as an appetite suppressant as well. personally I’m not a big fan of stimulants because they tend to make me jittery and agitated nevertheless I do utilize caffeine on a routine basis. Caffeine is low-cost and works well for me. Clenbuterol has some science demonstrating that it’s somewhat anabolic so if I was to recommend on the utilize of any of these, Clen would be my preference for those who have no issues with these compounds.
Final 6 weeks of prep
Before the final 6 weeks of prep I suggest cutting on 50-100mg of Anadrol daily and 1 gram of Testosterone weekly. during this phase practically any combination of steroids may be utilized but I choose these two compounds as they offer considerable power and energy while dieting. An aromatase inhibitor may be utilized to manage extreme aromatase activity from the Testosterone and always keep Nolvadex on hand in case gynocomastia presents. T3 may be packed during this first part of the cutting phase.
The last 6 weeks of prep I suggest employing the trick Weapon. depending upon the male individuals experience level you may inject between 0.5ml – 2 ml daily. nevertheless the favored technique is mixing your own ratios to fit your private needs. I suggest daily injects during contest prep because that will produce the greatest blood androgen levels. The Propionate esters from the Masteron and Testosterone possess a half life of about 48 hours nevertheless the decline is so considerable by the 30th hour that waiting another 18 hours is counter productive. However, a fitness center rat doing a summertime cut for the beach may choose an every other day injection schedule. The following chart shows the pharmacokinetic qualities of propionate.
Secret weapon sample cutting Cycle
Week 1-4~One gram Testosterone weekly/50mg Anadrol daily/Arimidex as needed
Week 5~One gram Testosterone weekly/50mg Anadrol daily/25mcg’s T3 daily/Arimidex as needed
Week 6~One gram Testosterone weekly/50mg Anadrol daily/50mcg’s T3 daily/Arimidex as needed
Week 7-10~50mg test Prop, 50mg mast Prop, 50mg Tren Ace daily/50 mcg’s T3 daily/Arimidex as needed
Week 11-12~25mg test Prop, 50mg mast Camiseta Montpellier HSC Prop, 50mg Tren Ace daily/50 mcg’s T3 daily/50mg Winstrol tabs daily/Arimidex as needed
Week 13~50mg Winstrol tabs daily/50mg Anavar tabs daily/50 mcg’s T3 daily/Arimidex as needed
The above cycle is just one example and may be customized to satisfy private needs, nevertheless this basic cutting cycle has such powerful synergy that it will illicit fantastic results if nutrition, training and healing are dialed in.
1. impacts of Human growth Hormone in guy over 60 Years Old
2. Prevention of growth Deceleration after Withdrawal of growth Hormone therapy in Idiopathic short Stature
3. Synergistic impacts of testosterone and growth hormone on protein metabolism and body composition in prepubertal boys.
4. The impacts of growth Hormone and/or Testosterone in healthy elderly Men: A Randomized managed Trial
5. tissue selectivity and prospective medical applications of trenbolone (17beta-hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one): A potent anabolic steroid with decreased androgenic and estrogenic activity.
6. 17{beta}-Hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one (trenbolone) exhibits tissue selective anabolic activity: impacts on muscle, bone, adiposity, hemoglobin, and prostate.
7. effect of trenbolone acetate on protein synthesis and degradation rates in fused bovine satellite cell cultures.
8. Pharmacokinetic Properties of Testosterone Propionate in Norman Men.
9. Testosterone dose-response connections in healthy young men.
About the Author:
John Connor is a researcher in the field of performance improving medications and nutrition associated to the bodybuilding lifestyle. Connor composes frequently about the genuine life application of these compounds in an advisory and educational role. Connor is also an advocate of the decriminalization of male hormone utilize in adults. John Connor does not advocate visitors engage in any unlawful activity; always speak with a medical doctor before utilizing any medication.