I absolutely crashed this afternoon. Out of the blue at 2:30pm I was tired, hungry and cranky. The last time I checked I’m not a 2 year old, but I absolutely never grew out of the “terrible twos”. Sorry mom.
Anyways, I tried to fight the funk with iced coffee.
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But I ended up hitting the PB jar pretty hard.
In an effort to deter (or at least slow myself down) I made a bulky snack – oatmeal with pumpkin. I figured this would fill up my stomach and hopefully slow my snacking roll.
I never thought of oatmeal as an energy booster, but when paired with iced coffee – Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Uruguay anything is an afternoon energy booster, right?!
In case you care, I eat the weight control oatmeal because it has a lot more protein and fiber.
Even with my heavy snack I still did some damage to that new Banana PB. It has sugar. The banana flavor is mild. I usually hate things that are “banana flavor”, but this doesn’t taste man-made at all. It’s really good!
In other news, I typically let days go by before I check my paper mail. a lot of of the time it’s full of trash that I don’t want to deal with.
Today when I was trying to yank all my mail out of the tiny box a neighbor, who was also getting his mail too said, “You get a lot of mail! That is good!”
Not really, it’s just that I never check it. and I don’t get why that’s a good thing? Doesn’t he just get junk mail too?!
Don’t get me wrong, I like A lot of male – just not the kind he was thinking
Yeah I did.
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