yesterday we went to the wedding for Ben’s friends – Dan and Jen. It was held at the Segerstrom concert Hall in Costa Mesa.
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Marathon training Day 4
One of the groomsman caught my eye. He’s a cute one!
Oh, it’s Ben. He shines up like a new penny
He’s also available for funerals, bar mitzvahs and engineering parties.
I hit on him and ended up taking him home Scandal.
Put your person in a suit and he’s like a whole new man
Cocktail hour involved avocado and crab, grilled cheese and wine. loved it.
The tables were labeled as places. We were at the Princeton table.
The delighted couple <3 Another, less important, yet also delighted couple… I devoured that bread with butter and then mixed greens with apples, cheese and dates arrived. I chose the salmon and it came with a fried polenta cake. Life changing. Seriously, so good. Ben chose beef with mashed potatoes. also amazing. Then, there was a wardrobe change (by the bride) and dancing. Time for cake! I had 3 pieces because the waitress identified the cake lover inside me and Erin. She brought us chocolate and another piece of white cake! They had a photobooth with fun dress up props too! We were the only locals at our table (all Ben’s friends live in Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Polonia new York or Boston!) so Rob gave me the center piece even though he won it fair and square!
*I wrote all the above Saturday night, but had to rush to brunch Sunday morning and didn’t get to publish. I’ll just continue for a monster post…
After brunch we headed to Newport beach to get a few minutes outside.
But, Ben and I had to part with his friends so we could attend our second wedding of the weekend…
I didn’t mention it because I didn’t really know how to describe it, but the second wedding we went to was my mommy and dad’s wedding. It’s a complicated situation, but my real mommy and daddy (not step parents or anything like that) got married today.
Me and my little brother, Matt
Because it’s not a Mexican party without Mariachis…
O for Olivas
and my mommy and Grams….
Long story short, I ate way too much this weekend. A lot of it was worn out and emotional eating. I don’t want to talk about it with you at least.
Let’s talk about other things, like how I need to cut my bangs…
My brother Michael, my mommy and Camiseta Club Tijuana me. When people find out I’m Mexican, they always ask if any individual else in my family is redheaded Yep, my brother Mike
The whole fam,
This picture represents the 5th (NOT an exaggeration) piece of cake I’ve had in the last 24 hours.
So, that’s 2 weddings – but what about the funeral? The funeral is for me – because I’m digging myself an early severe with all this food and stress. I’ll see you in Heaven…
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