update June 12, 2020 – I reached out to both USADA as well as to the UFC’s Jeff Novitzky as well as asked to share any type of studies or other data they have that can speak to PED’s being transmitted with sexual contact. They shared the complying with articles:
Potential Seminal transfer of Pharmaceuticals to the Conceptus
The transfer of Chemicals in Semen
Today the united states Anti Doping company (“USADA”) published a press release discovering a boxer was ‘not at fault’ for prohibited metabolites in her system after discovering they “were consistent with recent exposure to the substances via sexual transmission”.
Boxer Virginia Fuchs tested positive for the letrozole metabolite bis-(4-cyanophenyl)methanol, also as GW1516 (GW501516) metabolites, GW1516 sulfone as well as GW1516 sulfoxide, as the result of an out-of-competition urine sample she provided on February 13, 2020.
USADA determined that “Fuchs’ male partner was utilizing therapeutic doses of letrozole as well as GW1516 as well as the low amounts of letrozole metabolite as well as GW1516 metabolites detected in her sample were consistent with recent exposure to the substances via sexual transmission”
USADA wrapped up that this constituted ingestion “without fault or negligence” as well as as a result “Fuchs will not deal with a period of ineligibility for her positive test.”
The full press release reads as follows:
USADA revealed today that Virginia Fuchs, of Kemah, Texas, an athlete Camiseta US Sassuolo in the sport of boxing, has tested positive for a prohibited substance, which was determined to have been ingested by her without fault or negligence. As a result, Fuchs will not deal with a period of ineligibility for her positive test.
“While the world Anti-Doping Code needs that this no fault discovering be thought about a infraction as well as be publicly announced, we strongly believe this situation as well as others like it, including meat contamination as well as prescription medication contamination cases, should be thought about no violation,” stated Travis T. Tygart, chief executive policeman of USADA. “We will continue to advocate for modifications to the world Anti-Doping Code to ensure that where there is no intent to cheat as well as no performance benefit, an athlete should not deal with any type of infraction or unnecessary public attention.”
Fuchs, 32, tested positive for the letrozole metabolite bis-(4-cyanophenyl)methanol, also as GW1516 (GW501516) metabolites, GW1516 sulfone as well as GW1516 sulfoxide, as the result of an out-of-competition urine sample she provided on February 13, 2020. Letrozole is a specific compound as well as GW1516 is a non-Specified compound in the class of Hormone as well as Metabolic Modulators as well as are prohibited at all times under the USADA Protocol for Olympic as well as Paralympic motion Testing, the united states Olympic & Paralympic committee national Anti-Doping Policies, as well as the association Internationale de Boxe Amateur Anti-Doping Rules, Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Inglaterra all of which Camiseta SC Braga have embraced the world Anti-Doping Code as well as the world Anti-Doping company (WADA) Prohibited List.
During a comprehensive investigation into the circumstances of Fuchs’ case, USADA determined that Fuchs’ male partner was utilizing therapeutic doses of letrozole as well as GW1516 as well as the low amounts of letrozole metabolite as well as GW1516 metabolites detected in her sample were consistent with recent exposure to the substances via sexual transmission. Additionally, a WADA-accredited lab verified that products possessed by Fuchs’ partner contained therapeutic amounts of letrozole as well as GW1516.
Fuchs will not deal with a period of ineligibility for her positive test, as well as since the sample was collected out-of-competition, there are no competitive results to disqualify.
In an effort to aid athletes, in addition to support team members such as parents as well as coaches, in comprehending the rules applicable to them, USADA provides comprehensive direction on its website on the testing process as well as prohibited substances, exactly how to acquire permission to utilize a necessary medication, as well as the dangers as well as dangers of taking supplements, in addition to performance-enhancing as well as recreational drugs.
In addition, USADA handles a medication recommendation hotline, worldwide medication recommendation on the internet (www.GlobalDRO.com), conducts academic sessions with national Governing Bodies as well as their athletes, as well as distributes a multitude of academic materials, such as an easy-reference wallet card with examples of prohibited as well as permitted substances, a supplement guide, a nutrition guide, an athlete handbook, as well as periodic alerts as well as advisories.
Along with education as well as testing, robust annull